I was right! I am a guardian. I'm a little disappointed that it doesn't show how I ranked in the other categories. I guess one could purchase the report, but I feel like I have better ways to spend my money. I know that as a guardian I like things to be organized. As the report says I like clear-cut responsibilities, I enjoy working on a team with people who carry their weight, and I do take pride in being dependable and trustworthy. All good traits for a teacher.
I know my personality type makes a difference as to the kind of teacher I am. I am the kind of teacher that spends half the weekend planning for the following week of school. I do not feel comfortable winging it in the classroom. I do take my responsibilities as a teacher very seriously. I know that in order to be confident and do my best I need a well thought-out plan. The report says Guardians are meticulous about schedules and have a sharp eye for proper procedures. I ran my classroom with routines that helped make things run smoothly after only a week or so of practice. My classroom was always orderly and neat. Even my classroom library was ordered by genre, each category had a stamp so that students could put books back where they belonged. I am the kind of teacher that has clear expectations and consequences for my students.
I know that my personality type can help others get things accomplished both students and coworkers. I am the teacher that wants to get started with the meeting rather than continue to chat about school gossip. I also know that this can be a bit overbearing at times. As a second year teacher I was asked to be team leader because of my "shoulder to the wheel" attitude.
There are definitely downfalls to my personality type when it comes to teaching. Teachers must be flexible because several things can, and will, disrupt the day. Flexibility is something I am still working on. It is often hard for me to understand people who don't take things as seriously as I do. I get frustrated when working on a committee where others don't seem to be dedicated.
Learning Outcomes:
The four personality types are Artisans, Guardians, Idealists, and Rationals.
Being aware of personal characteristics can make a tremendous impact on learning. For example, I know the kings of things that frustrate me. Learning how to handle those frustrations without it impacting my entire class or my own personal learning is important. Knowing that I like things orderly can help me prepare for the best possible teaching and learning experiences. Also, being aware of my students personality traits is helpful. I wouldn't address a roomful of Artisans the same way I would address a roomful of Rationals. Knowing that I have to design lessons that are relevant to all personality types will help me to reach every learner.
The ISTE/ NETS this activity most closely matches is 2a design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity. I think this activity would be very relevant to students. I think the first part of the activity helps students to be reflective which is an important element of learning. This activity promotes student learning because if students are aware of their own personality types they will be better able to get the most from each learning experience.
I also think that 5d is appropriate. 5d contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and community. If this activity were presented at a staff meeting to all teachers it would allow the entire staff to reflect on their personality types and how that impacts their classroom and school community as a whole.
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