I do have some experience with using different web browsers. Most of my experience has been with Internet Explorer. It has been on every computer I have ever owned by default. During an undergraduate technology course we were required to create a sample web page like we might use while teaching. My instructor had us use Netscape because she felt it was more user friendly. I never used Netscape except for that class as I was already used to Internet Explorer and preferred it. Recently, I have used Firefox on occasion when IE is giving me troubles. I'll also use it so I can have my facebook account open on IE and my husbands open on Firefox. This comes in handy for gaming purposes.
October 28, 2010 Update: I am a convert! There have been so many assignments that IE just was not compatible with, that I made the switch to Firefox. I will admit that I like it much better now that I'm used to it!
Learning Outcomes
1. A web browser is a software application that allows you to "browse" the web.
2. The four most popular web browsers include Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. According to w3schools.com the browser statistics as of July 2010 are as follows:
IE8 15.6% IE7 7.6% IE6 7.2% (For a total of 30.4%) Firefox 46.4% Chrome 16.7% Safari 3.4%
3. "Browser war" is a term used to describe the competition in usage share in the web browser marketplace. What drives the competition between web browsers? Why, money of course! Even though web browsers are free, advertising space is not. That is why being the number one browser is such a big deal. If you are the number one browser you can sell more advertising space and at a higher price than a less popular browser. Bragging rights are nice too.
3a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations.
3d.model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning.
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