My experience with web browsers hasn’t changed much since I last posted. I still prefer Internet Explorer even though I have been trying to use Mozilla FireFox for a comparison. A browser add on is something that enhances a browser. There are add-ons for nearly every topic you could think of including music, finance and weather! I do not use many add-ons because I am suspicious of spyware and adware. But I do find a few to be very helpful. The add-on I use the most is Roboform. Roboform will fill in my username and passwords for me so that I do not have to remember all of them. This is especially useful for accounts I don’t use often. I also use Adobe Acrobat Reader to view pdf files and Flash Player to view web sites when needed. I’ve never had any issues installing add-ons, except my fire wall asking permission several times, but as I said I don’t use many add-ons.
Diigo is very exciting software that I have never imagined existed. To be perfectly honest I rarely bookmark anything. If I find something that I would want to review in the future I usually just print it. I’m really excited about compiling lesson plan links all in one place. Here is the beginnings of my compilation! This will definitely help me to save a few trees! My lesson plan filing cabinet is overflowing so I won’t need to add any more to it! I won’t have to try to find the same lesson over and over if I didn’t have the opportunity to print it, thus saving time! I look forward to exploring more of the things that can be done with Diigo. My only concern is I did have difficulty upgrading to an educators account as I do not have an educator email address.
I think the ISTE NETS this activity most closely matches is 3d.- model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning. Diigo would make an awesome tool for any research project. Not only can a person locate information, they can compile it in one place by using the list feature, highlight key information, and add their own annotations as they research.
I also think this activity relates to the standard 1d-model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments. Because Diigo allows you to form groups and use tools such as forum discussions and the message system it would be very easy to create a virtual environment where students and teachers can collaborate on a project.
I also think this activity relates to the ISTE NETS 3a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations. Some students might know about add-ons and many students would know how to bookmark a web site. I imagine Diigo would be a completely different experience for the majority of students even if they have used other add-ons or have bookmarked sites in the past. I think that once students became familiar with this technology they could use it for the rest of their school careers, and possibly once they enter the work force.
When I taught in VA my class did several different projects where this technology would have been useful. I taught units of study on Egypt and China, and at the completion of the units we would create a class book. This would have been helpful to the students for gathering information for their chapter in the book. It also would have been easier for me to make sure everyone was on the right track. I look forward to class research projects where I can utilize this technology!
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